Sunday, April 8, 2012

Trooper-fit.... What’s that?

       If I asked you, what is fitness; what would you say? Your answer would probably be the same as most of us. Fitness entails being physically healthy, whether strong, “in shape”, having healthy weight/BMI, a healthy cardiovascular system, having energy, being fast, etc… I mean that is what the fitness industry is about, right?

       In my own humble opinion, fitness includes much more.  Fitness should be defined as the ability to adapt to your environment as well as your wants and needs. It is being ready for success in the life you live. You can be fit to run a company, fit to be a parent, fit to be a good friend, amongst other things. I say this just to add some perspective.

       Physical fitness is only one aspect of fitness if you ask me. What about mental fitness? I believe there is also mental strength that can be cultivated in an individual that will allow them to be successful in life. When I say life, it does tie right back into the gym too. It takes mental toughness and discipline to reach one’s physical goals. It is a component often overlooked when pursuing one’s physical fitness.  In order to see results in your physical fitness or any goals for that matter, there are two main components to getting it done. One is, knowing what to do (exercise and nutrition science, when dealing with physical fitness), and the other is having the mental strength to stick to the plan and actually do it.

       What’s mental strength? It’s will power, discipline, or focus. It is the ability to be resistant to any negative or weak thoughts that we have all found ourselves affected by at some point or another. Lack of mental strength is the main reason why a person may not reach their goals, and the reason all of these gimmick fitness products sell. They make it seem easy, so we go for it. It is human nature (and animal nature) to seek pleasure and avoid pain; therefore we often may find ourselves on what is the seemingly easier path. Most of us know better, but we ignore our own logic. I’ll say it now, in case anyone is unaware of this truth; “Anything worth attaining in life will never be easy.” But if you endure the strife, oh the glory!

Allow me to boldly redefine “fitness” as it is generally understood….

Being Trooper-fit includes and transcends being physically fit. It is toughness of the soul.  Being ready for anything at anytime, or at least the pursuit of this perfection constitutes as being trooper-fit.

A Trooper is someone that when faced with any obstacle or sign of adversity, perseveres in the name of something far more valuable than the momentary satisfaction of quitting.

Are you Trooper-Fit?

 -Trooper Prince