Sunday, December 30, 2012




1:15 PM UXF BURN  38th and Broadway  @NYSC (membership)

 4 PM SMALL GROUP TROOPER BOOTCAMP -14th btwn 5th & 6th @BODY SPACE FITNESS  (8 week commitment)



8:30 PM SMALL GROUP TROOPER BOOTCAMP -14th btwn 5th & 6th @BODY SPACE FITNESS (8 week commitment)





7 AM  SMALL GROUP TROOPER BOOTCAMP  -14th btwn 5th & 6th @BODY SPACE FITNESS (8 week commitment)

12:30 PM UXF BURN   MERCER ST @NYSC (membership)

5 PM  SMALL GROUP TROOPER BOOTCAMP  76TH btwn 1st & 2nd @NYSC (8week commitment)

7PM TROOPERS BAND-TOGETHER 18th btwn 5th & 6th @CAP21 STUDIOS (pay as you go)


7 AM  SMALL GROUP TROOPER BOOTCAMP  -14th btwn 5th & 6th @BODY SPACE FITNESS (8 week commitment)


9AM TROOPER BOOTCAMP -14th btwn 5th & 6th @BODY SPACE FITNESS (pay as you go)


Tuesday, September 18, 2012



What is failure? Failure by definition is simply not completing a goal or expectation. Failure is not defeat. Defeat is giving up. It is when you decide to lose because the feeling of failure overwhelmed you and got the best of the confidence you once had. You thought you could do it, you tried to do it, and you didn't do it...

But you can still do it... as long as you are willing to try again.

Allow me to put what may be a new perspective on your view of failure. Failure is necessary. It is a conducive component to the process of success. I say it all of the time, "In order for a muscle to grow, its limits must be tested. The same can be said regarding the human character." Tough times make us tougher inevitably, as long as we don't give up. How can you become better at something if it always works out for you. Failure is opportunity. Start looking at these seemingly perilous moments as another opportunity to get better or do something great.

In that moment of failure, that may feel like defeat, is exactly what you needed to go through in order to dig deep inside yourself to get back to it! As soon as you muster up the strength to get up and try again, in spite of your bruised ego, you have just entered the path of success and possible greatness. Stallone said it in his most recent Rocky film. "Its not about how hard you can hit. Its about hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." People that do not know this to be true, will find success difficult. Then there are those that will learn this fact and not feel willing to take the blows necessary for success. In that case, whatever it is you are trying to accomplish doesn't mean enough to you and you should stop and find something that does. Only then, will you have a chance at success. Let me pump my brakes for one second. Now as it pertains to your health and other necessities, then I would NOT recommend finding something else to do. Haha. What I would recommend is taking the time to make it more important to you first, by reading and researching about the positive and adverse effects of the said necessity. It should then become more important to you and thus you will be willing to go through the journey.

Am I saying something that we all know already? Perhaps. But it is evident that a lot of us forget this truth in the moments of failure. We forget that every great person that we admire and look up to has failed time and time again. I am willing to go out on a limb and say they have probably failed more than people who have not accomplished the level of success that they have. I know this is true because "they" have tried more times than most of us have. Try more, you will quite likely fail more, but more importantly, inevitably succeed more. You WILL become stronger and better.

 Whoo does it suck to feel down and out at the moment of defeat. I get down on myself harder than most when I fail... BUT I get my ass back to work every time! I am no better than anyone. The only things that separates people are the decisions we make. 2 forces affect a man's/woman's life... What life presents you with and what you do with it. That's it. We have power over the part about doing.

I am thankful for every obstacle in my life and look forward to the ones to come. I am waiting to overcome them all. We can not choose whether we will fail at a given time, because we don't know what the odds are until we go up against them. What we do have the ability to decide is whether we are defeated or not....

As it pertains to your life, obstacles will show up in the gym, at work, at home, in relationships, in ambitions.... You name it. If its worth attaining there will be adversity. No matter how it shows its face in your life...

Never give up.


-Trooper Prince

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Trooper-fit.... What’s that?

       If I asked you, what is fitness; what would you say? Your answer would probably be the same as most of us. Fitness entails being physically healthy, whether strong, “in shape”, having healthy weight/BMI, a healthy cardiovascular system, having energy, being fast, etc… I mean that is what the fitness industry is about, right?

       In my own humble opinion, fitness includes much more.  Fitness should be defined as the ability to adapt to your environment as well as your wants and needs. It is being ready for success in the life you live. You can be fit to run a company, fit to be a parent, fit to be a good friend, amongst other things. I say this just to add some perspective.

       Physical fitness is only one aspect of fitness if you ask me. What about mental fitness? I believe there is also mental strength that can be cultivated in an individual that will allow them to be successful in life. When I say life, it does tie right back into the gym too. It takes mental toughness and discipline to reach one’s physical goals. It is a component often overlooked when pursuing one’s physical fitness.  In order to see results in your physical fitness or any goals for that matter, there are two main components to getting it done. One is, knowing what to do (exercise and nutrition science, when dealing with physical fitness), and the other is having the mental strength to stick to the plan and actually do it.

       What’s mental strength? It’s will power, discipline, or focus. It is the ability to be resistant to any negative or weak thoughts that we have all found ourselves affected by at some point or another. Lack of mental strength is the main reason why a person may not reach their goals, and the reason all of these gimmick fitness products sell. They make it seem easy, so we go for it. It is human nature (and animal nature) to seek pleasure and avoid pain; therefore we often may find ourselves on what is the seemingly easier path. Most of us know better, but we ignore our own logic. I’ll say it now, in case anyone is unaware of this truth; “Anything worth attaining in life will never be easy.” But if you endure the strife, oh the glory!

Allow me to boldly redefine “fitness” as it is generally understood….

Being Trooper-fit includes and transcends being physically fit. It is toughness of the soul.  Being ready for anything at anytime, or at least the pursuit of this perfection constitutes as being trooper-fit.

A Trooper is someone that when faced with any obstacle or sign of adversity, perseveres in the name of something far more valuable than the momentary satisfaction of quitting.

Are you Trooper-Fit?

 -Trooper Prince

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How Important Is BALANCE?

The picture above displays a very amazing act of balance. But when I say balance I am referring to balance in life and goal attaining.

        As I approach my vacation time, I am compelled to talk about balance as it pertains to life and reaching one's goals. Whether in the gym, in school, at work, in sports, or anything for that matter, balance is a necessary component to success. Shit, even breathing takes balance. Just try only inhaling to get all the oxygen you need without exhaling the carbon dioxide your body needs to release. Not going to happen.

        Now, I think it's very important that I touch upon the topic of balance, especially when I promote a motivational saying like "All we know is go". Not to mention, I run boot camp classes where I run around like a maniac yelling "Go, go, go, go, go...", "No quitting in here", "You get what you put in", and other such phrases that seem to suggest no resting allowed.

        The fact of the matter is, rest is just as important as work. It is truly half of the recipe to success. No more, no less. If you don't rest after working out hard you will see no results. Your muscles need to rest and heal to see growth.... But, do not be confused. This is not an out Troopers. You should not be resting while you are working. Definitely not in my class for sure. Give it all you have every time you workout.

        To be fair, I hold the same philosophy for fun. No holding back on the fun when it's play time. Just don't be counter productive in doing so. Meaning don't go eat a 600 calorie piece of cake because you had a kick ass workout that burned you about that same amount. That kind of balance will balance you into no change in your body. But you should indulge in fun that has no detriment to your goals. Just make sure you manage your time efficiently and leave time for work and play.

GO hard every damn day! GO for what you want in life! GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!!!

While you're at it, don't forget to GO party, GO on a date, and GO on vacation! "ALL WE KNOW IS GO" :-)

-Trooper Prince

Monday, January 23, 2012

Setting Attainable Goals

"Setting attainable goals and having a winning mentality along with a good working plan is essential to success in any realm."

      Today, as I enter my 27th year of life, I reflect on all that I have accomplished and look forward to all that I plan to accomplish. Everything I have attained, has been through persistence and a good working plan. My trial and error, reading books, attending seminars, and picking the brains of successful individuals, has lead me to conclude on what I believe is a fail safe path to success in my own life, and its working. Part of this plan is to keep searching for ways to succeed even more.

This is what I have found... We'll just call this Trooper Prince's steps to success:

      The first and most important part of goal setting is a positive winning attitude. This means utter confidence in yourself and your abilities. You must know, before you even set the goal, that you are a winner and this goal you are setting will become a victim of your innate ability to win when given a challenge. In my opinion, that "innate ability", is really just the determination to not quit until you win. (Hence, "All We Know is Go")

        Secondly, and this comes after you have built confidence in yourself...., you must set SMART goals. This is not a method I created, but has proven effective through my own experiences. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant/ Realistic, and Time-bound. Every goal should fall under each of these criteria.
       Thirdly, you need to come up with a plan of attack.  The best way, in my opinion to plan anything, is backward.  This is what I mean, and I came across this analogy from a business book called, Be Unreasonable. I'll try to paint this clearly.... Picture a tree that has a big trunk, thats breaks off into over 10 branches, of which each branch breaks up into 10 more branches, and those branches break up into 10 more branches... Now imagine an ant trying to get from the trunk to a specific said branch. Seems impossible, especially considering I just "painted" a tree that has 1000 branches. But think about this... What if you put the ant on that said branch, and had it try to find its way to the trunk. It almost inevitably would. So if you try to build a map to your goal, start with your end goal and work backward. Then, once you've mapped it out to where you now stand, work your way forward. Now it doesn't matter how far fetched your goal seemed at first.

        Fourth, and this is a problem that gets the best of most tenacious or extremely ambitious individuals... You must set short term goals that are attainable and celebrate those shorter goals every time you reach them. It helps to build more confidence. Success regarding most of our goals are more comparable to a marathon than a sprint. Enjoy every mile conquered. Before you know it, you're enjoying the run. It becomes a game, as opposed to work. This is key.

         Also, and this is a "toughy" for some..., the company you keep must reflect the goals you have in mind.  I say toughy, because most of us like to be around people we think are fun, and will usually end up getting us into trouble or away from our goal. Its just the way it is. We must be more conscious of these decisions. You must immerse yourself in the company of those who are of the same mind set, meaning those who are also confident, positive and ambitious.  Finding a mentor would absolutely be the best way to do this. Find someone you look up to and that has already succeeded at your goal or at a similar goal. Not to mention, having supportive people who believe in themselves enough to support you is also important. Support from the right people is also key. Don't try to do EVERYTHING by yourself.

          I am clearly ranting at this point, and truly did not intend to write all of that. LOL. But I decided not to delete it and so its posted. The truth is, whether you are setting health goals, career goals, life goals, relationship goals, or any goals at all, setting attainable goals and having a winning mentality along with a good working plan is essential to success in any realm.

         I leave you with this, no one book or person can take you to your own success, but if you hunt for it and are persistent, you will get there.  I do recommend a few books and am open to suggestions for good ones I have not yet come across.  A few books, I recommend, are 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey; The 50th Law, by Robert Greene and 50 cent (Rapper/Mogul), The Tipping Point, by Malcom Gladwell; Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell, amongst many others. I also, listen to great motivators, like Anthony Robbins and others.

       Lastly, anyone can achieve whatever they put their mind to. A lot of us accept and go for what seems "doable"(easier). Anything worth attaining is going to be a challenge. I've heard a lot of people, say "I'm just not strong like you..., I'm not that positive...".  You can decide to be and train yourself to be.... Step by step. I believe in YOU, but you have to too....

Go Baby, Go!!!!!

-Trooper Prince

Monday, January 16, 2012

How do I define TROOPER?

        A Trooper is someone that when faced with any obstacle or sign of adversity, perseveres in the name of something far more valuable than the momentary satisfaction of quitting.

        When I say, "All we know is go",  I'm saying that there will be many things that will deter you on your path to success, whether in the gym or in everyday life. Whether things don't seem to be going the way you planned at work, with business, a relationship, family, or anything for that matter, quitting is not an option. The means by which we get to the "finish line" may change, but the destination does not change.  If there is something of value to you, go for it.

       It is truly my belief that we must program ourselves to be successful. Winners decide to win and to be fair the inverse holds true for "losers".  Every time we are faced with a challenge and we overcome it, we have grown and are more equipped to live in the world we live in. In order for a muscle to grow, its limits must be tested. The same can be said for the human character.  Do not shy from life's challenges, grow from them.

       Do not stop doing push ups when it starts to burn, KEEP GOING knowing that its making you stronger.  Do not give up when your boss stresses you out and challenges you by putting pressure on you, step up and KEEP GOING.  When the game is on the line and most people have you and your team written off as losers, KEEP GOING, you have even more to prove. 

      To the single mother/father who goes to work, takes care of her children, and is going to school and getting things done, YOU are a Trooper. To the people who are told that their goals are only dreams, but they are ambitious enough to stick it through until it is reality, YOU are a Trooper.  To the people who have lost so much hard earned money in the stock market decline, but still persevere and continue to make strides toward their goals, YOU are a Trooper. To the person who has lost 100 pounds toward a healthier longer life, because they decided to make a change for the better, YOU are a Trooper.  To those fighting cancer and living everyday with good spirit, YOU are a Trooper. To the families and friends of these Troopers that help to support, YOU too are Troopers. Everyone is a TROOPER if they decide to be. Its not easy to decide to be a Trooper, but respect is deserved to those that do.