Tuesday, September 18, 2012



What is failure? Failure by definition is simply not completing a goal or expectation. Failure is not defeat. Defeat is giving up. It is when you decide to lose because the feeling of failure overwhelmed you and got the best of the confidence you once had. You thought you could do it, you tried to do it, and you didn't do it...

But you can still do it... as long as you are willing to try again.

Allow me to put what may be a new perspective on your view of failure. Failure is necessary. It is a conducive component to the process of success. I say it all of the time, "In order for a muscle to grow, its limits must be tested. The same can be said regarding the human character." Tough times make us tougher inevitably, as long as we don't give up. How can you become better at something if it always works out for you. Failure is opportunity. Start looking at these seemingly perilous moments as another opportunity to get better or do something great.

In that moment of failure, that may feel like defeat, is exactly what you needed to go through in order to dig deep inside yourself to get back to it! As soon as you muster up the strength to get up and try again, in spite of your bruised ego, you have just entered the path of success and possible greatness. Stallone said it in his most recent Rocky film. "Its not about how hard you can hit. Its about hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done." People that do not know this to be true, will find success difficult. Then there are those that will learn this fact and not feel willing to take the blows necessary for success. In that case, whatever it is you are trying to accomplish doesn't mean enough to you and you should stop and find something that does. Only then, will you have a chance at success. Let me pump my brakes for one second. Now as it pertains to your health and other necessities, then I would NOT recommend finding something else to do. Haha. What I would recommend is taking the time to make it more important to you first, by reading and researching about the positive and adverse effects of the said necessity. It should then become more important to you and thus you will be willing to go through the journey.

Am I saying something that we all know already? Perhaps. But it is evident that a lot of us forget this truth in the moments of failure. We forget that every great person that we admire and look up to has failed time and time again. I am willing to go out on a limb and say they have probably failed more than people who have not accomplished the level of success that they have. I know this is true because "they" have tried more times than most of us have. Try more, you will quite likely fail more, but more importantly, inevitably succeed more. You WILL become stronger and better.

 Whoo does it suck to feel down and out at the moment of defeat. I get down on myself harder than most when I fail... BUT I get my ass back to work every time! I am no better than anyone. The only things that separates people are the decisions we make. 2 forces affect a man's/woman's life... What life presents you with and what you do with it. That's it. We have power over the part about doing.

I am thankful for every obstacle in my life and look forward to the ones to come. I am waiting to overcome them all. We can not choose whether we will fail at a given time, because we don't know what the odds are until we go up against them. What we do have the ability to decide is whether we are defeated or not....

As it pertains to your life, obstacles will show up in the gym, at work, at home, in relationships, in ambitions.... You name it. If its worth attaining there will be adversity. No matter how it shows its face in your life...

Never give up.


-Trooper Prince